
what are you listening to these days?

This is a question I get from time to time.

Perhaps because I've been known to sacrifice my ears by scouring through a lot of music to try and find the good. Perhaps because I once gave him or her (the questioner) a mix CD, which I have also been known to do. Or perhaps because he or she thinks I am a pretentious douche and wants to stay away from whatever I recommend.

I must admit, I love few things more than sharing music with people - especially when that music really strikes a chord with them. This is exactly why I have found myself working for a radio station more than once. It is also why, when the station manager wasn't looking, I changed the playlist so that "On A Neck, On A Spit" by Grizzly Bear would always play during my shift. It is also why I played "Seaweed" by Fruit Bats during an Americana music program I helped produce. It is also why I post articles about music right here on my blog. I could say that I write all these posts for myself, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't hope someone might discover something.

So, at the risk of sounding like a pretentious douche, here are ten records that I can't stop listening to:

Passion Pit - Manners

"The Reeling"


Neko Case - Middle Cyclone

"People Got A Lotta Nerve"


Wilco - Wilco (The Album)

"One Wing"


Forest Fire - Survival

"Echoes Coming"


Grouper - Dragging a Dead Deer Up A Hill

"Heavy Water/I'd Rather Be Sleeping"


Bill Callahan - Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle

"Jim Cain"


Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse - Dark Night Of The Soul

"Revenge (feat. Wayne Coyne)"


Truckasauras - Tea Parties, Guns, & Valor

"Up, Up, Down, Down, L, R, L, R"


The Besnard Lakes - Are The Dark Horse



Breathe Owl Breathe - Ghost Glacier



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