

I left for college thinking I would study art in some capacity, but after enrolling in zero art classes upon my arrival, I was forced to think twice.

Five years later, I am finishing my tour of duty at the University of Tennessee studying Journalism and Electronic Media. Somewhere along the way I realized something.

My love of writing is what first led me to consider journalism. Although my methods of poetry, music and art are not the usual methods of mass communication, I believe people are truly changed through these media. And when I realized that I could simply change people by showing them the best and brightest creators of these media, I had found my passion.

Ever since I received my first double-decked tape player in 8th grade, and then a computer with a CD burner later in high school, I haven't stopped making music mixes for friends.

So when I began taking classes in journalism, I jumped at the chance to work in radio. 90.3 The Rock, UT's independent radio station stays alive with the help of student deejays and producers. I worked as a deejay last fall and loved the opportunity to play good music for a mass audience. Then, this summer I interned at another local independent radio station, WDVX. I rode my bicycle to the station everyday to learn how to mix live music for radio as well as how to put on a radio show.

I was given the chance to do everything myself by the end of the summer, and I succeeded under the pressure of mixing sound for a live concert and putting on a four-hour-long radio show.

If you would like to know more about my education and experience, or if you would like contact information, please take a look at my resume.

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