This was wrong last time I posted it, so I changed it. This time it is right:
I probably should have done this a while ago, especially after several people have asked me for it, but here it is - better late than never:
Ben Rucker
PO Box 1007
Frederiksted, USVI 00841
No mailing address, just a PO Box. Once a week or so, we'll go into town and someone will check the box to see if anything is there. Yesterday I got my new knife in the mail! I was still able to use the Bass Pro Shop gift card that the Alston's gave me for Christmas - thank you again, Mr. and Mrs. Alston!
Also, we don't have any cell phone reception on the farm. So I can only call on weekends when I am at the beach, or somewhere else in town, down outside of the rain forest.
That, my friends, is why I get on this thing as much as I can...
nobody likes you
6 years ago
Awesome. I'll send something your way soon, hopefully.
Bout freaking time!!!
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