
mongoose #7


Anonymous said...

wow, thank you for that, Huron Indian

max said...


ck said...

i didn't know mon(geese?) looked so much like squirrels.

Unknown said...

Ben, That is a perfect dissection with the heart and lungs intact together. NEAT. So you gut it before you skin it? Seems like it would be eaiser the other way around?
Audrey is so glad you're coming back to the states instead of staying longer.
I think she has it bad for you.
Love, mary (audrey's mom)

Anonymous said...

i don't know WHAT you're talking about, mom! :)

Amandawn said...

sweet mongoose. bless him.

benjamin said...

mrs. alston, it's nice to hear from someone else that audrey is excited. i am too.

and I guess you could skin it before you gut it, but the guts rot very quickly when the animal isn't frozen, so we did that first. it also made skinning easier because we had to squeeze the little guys pretty hard in order to get the hide off.

appetizing, isn't it?